It's impossible to say who was the hotter of the two. Honey Moons and Letha Weapons were a boiling-out match-up in the hooter heat department. Honey was very much into safe sex in every way. Letha made more porn than Honey and was a personal favorite of Ron Jeremy.
"I have more sex in a week than a lot of people have in a year, usually with a couple of different guys in a day," Letha said. "When I'm doing a porn shoot, I'll have sex about six times. When I'm not shooting, probably about three to five times a day.
How did a guy make Letha Weapons want to fuck him?
"Well, the first thing you shouldn't do is ask for it. A guy should never ask a girl if they can fuck them. Everyone that I usually screw is because they're not coming on to me. They're really nice people and they show that they like you, but they don't act like you owe them something. That turns me on more than anything else. And forget about that tall, dark and handsome crap. I'm totally not like that. I fuck some of everything."
A lot of dancers have a rule that they don't sleep with audience members or fans.
"I'm not going to sleep with them, I'm going to fuck them! Sure, I've fucked a lot of guys from the crowd."
Big Bust Barn Burners
Added February 24, 2018 at 9:30 pm