Hungry for cookies? Barbara has a delicious one between her legs.
Barbara is quite the little baker. Twice a week she bakes a batch of cookies to sell at school. "I also bake cakes and pastries, but people seem to like my cookies the most. They always sell out." The cookie between her legs is also in high demand, but rarely available. "Sometimes guys will make jokes about eating my cookie. The boys my age are dumb. I just roll my eyes. Little do they know that I prefer older men to eat my cookie. Someone who will actually eat it right instead of just making a mess!"
Have you been with many older men? What was it like?
"I had a flirtation with a teacher that never went beyond that. He held back. I'm waiting till I graduate to see if we can be something more. There's so much sexual tension between us. I always leave his class with wet panties. Other than that, I have been with a neighbor who is 43. He was the one who gave me my ï¬rst orgasm and showed me that older men can be really sexy. While all my friends at school are looking at the cute boys in our class, I'm looking at their dads! Older guys know how to treat a girl and how to give her pleasure. The younger guys are just fumbling around down there clueless!"
How did you end up hooking up with that neighbor?
"Funny enough-he wanted some cookies! I went over there to drop some off. He tried one of my cookies and watching him eat it immediately made me think of him eating me out. I told him I had something else sweet he could eat. Then he went down on me for a long time. When he came up, his face was covered in my cream."