The first SCORE covergirl (June, 1992), L.A. Bust, wears the kind of dress made famous by Marilyn Monroe in the movie 7 Year Itch. SaRenna also posed in a similar dress for her SCORE magazine debut in December, 1993.
L.A. was the first model/dancer to write a column in SCORE. L.A.'s column was called Night Moves. Future columnists Alyssa Alps and then Crystal Gunns followed the basic theme of writing about the clubs they danced in, interactions with the house dancers, their lives on the road and other related activities.
The late 1980s and the 1990s were the glory years for the modern strip club and the feature dancers (as well as club goers).
L.A.'s dancing career began in Houston, Texas. She was a waitress in a club called GiGi's Cabaret and tried dancing there. She found an agent, and shortly after that, photographer John Graham invited L.A. to pose in Palm Springs, California. When the pictures were published, L.A.'s career exploded and she became much in demand by club managers and owners around the USA.
A typical road trip for L.A. would be Tiffany's in Jackson, Mississippi, then sister-club Tiffany's in Boynton Beach, Florida and then the Classic Cat in Nashville, Tennessee. L.A. considered the Classic Cat to be the best topless club in town. She would pose for instant photos with the customers and autograph 8X10s and magazines. How many guys still have those items saved at home?
"My dressing room was attached to the dancers' dressing room which allowed me to really get to know the girls of the Classic Cat Showbar. They are the sweetest and most attractive girls in Nashville," noted L.A.