We played the Q&A game with Christy. Her candor is refreshing. She speaks her mind and lays her cards (and a whole lot more) on the table for all to see
What's your favorite color? Green.
What's your favorite food? Mashed potatoes.
Are you a dog person or a cat person? Neither. Snakes and reptiles.
What's your favorite curse word? Fucker.
Who's smarter? Women or men? It depends on the person.
Better lay: Chicks or guys? Guys.
Does size matter? Yes or no? Yes.
Favorite movie of all time? Silence of the Lambs.
How many toys do you own? Too many to count. Over 40.
Sex: First date or wait? I wait if I like them. If I don't like them, then I don't have to wait.
Head: Better to give or receive? Give.
Cum: Swallow or spit? Spit.
Blow jobs or tit jobs? Blow jobs.
Tits: What's hotter? Fake or real? Real.
Favorite Position? Pile-driver.