What SCORELAND members say about Shara Lopez:
"My favorite model. Sexy as all hell. Those low-angle, bending over from behind shots really allow Shara's pendulous hanging tits to shine!"--Bruce
"My hand has become arthritic, my nut sack is dry, and it's Shara's fault."--Mam Man
"I don't know what I'd want to caress more, her breasts or her long, flowing, golden locks. Oh, who am I kidding? It would be her breasts, but her hair is a close second!--Boobhound
Shara Lopez claps and slaps her big natural tits together. The hills are alive with the sound of boob music, our favorite. This is also a favorite of her webcam members.
"Me gusta mucho darme placer," Shara told our photographer Carlo. "Es mas sexy cuando los chicos me miran." ("I really like to give myself pleasure. It's sexier when the guys look at me.")
"Shara is a great model and a lot of fun," he told us when he got back from Colombia. "The day flies by with her. She's a special girl."